Are You Ready for Change?

"Hell is staring at the person you could have been, and knowing you've run out of time"

There are so many people who live their lives by accident, not really finding their true rhythm and beating themselves up thinking they've left it too late. 

We want to change that!

If any of the statements below resonate with you, we encourage you to take the first step to changing your future, realising your true potential and having laser focus


Feeling that you can't move forward is caused by the stories you tell yourself which can lead to a feeling of "being stuck" and the symptoms of this condition may include:
  • Feeling frozen; you feel like you're dead in your tracks and can't change your situation 
  • Frustration - You have self doubt, self sabotage and question why things aren't working for you
  • Despondent - You are resigned to the fact that these are the cards your dealt in life and start accepting the status quo.
The good news is that you are not really stuck, you can change the effect and create what you want. You are all you think you can be plus more.

We help by first removing the blockages that are holding you back and then assist you to unlock your future and true potential 
Unlock my future


When making any decisions in life, big or small, we are often in a place of conflict that switches between the head and the heart.

The toing and froing leads to further indecision and inaction and the end result is that we are stuck with part of us wanting one thing and part wanting another.

Our methods are designed to firstly distinguish the difference between your emotions and our logic and tap into the power that leads to integration, clarity and more resources to make clear decisions easily......        
Make better decisions


It's much easier to identify what we don't want. 

Humans are designed to avoid pain so we feel negative emotion about something and decide that we wish to avoid feeling like that in the future.

A problem arises when we continue to think about avoiding a particular thing, person or situation etc and by the law of the universe we actually keep revisiting the scenario.

The trick to breaking out of this cycle is to create clear communication with ourselves, the self talk that is what feeds our results. The key is learning the secrets of language.

Unlock the secrets


You'll know when you haven't found your purpose in life...

You'll be edgy, distracted, unmotivated, You may find yourself constantly changing jobs or chasing shiny objects looking for something that "clicks" or "works" for you.

At CAM Performance we believe that living your best life is a life of purpose and we work with you to explore your past and allow you to become your true potential and live a life on purpose   
Find my purpose

"What’s true tomorrow is what you believe today"

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